
Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health

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The Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health is teaming up with the Akron Marathon to promote wellness on campuses!

Fri, May 17, 2024 4:41 PM

Hello and happy Friday stakeholders,

The OPCSMH & Akron Marathon Are Teaming Up To Promote Wellness One Step At A Time!

Mental wellness and fitness are protective factors when it comes to reducing stress and anxiety in students. The OPCSMH and Akron Marathon are looking for participants who want to run or walk the Blue Line for free through the Akron Marathon Blue Line Runnership Program (a race entry scholarship program). We are encouraging you to invite counseling and wellness clinic students who may benefit from incorporating fitness into their journey. Both students who are new to running or experienced runners are welcome to apply.

The Akron Marathon Charitable Corporation created this philanthropic program dedicated to reaching community members who could not typically afford a race entry, those wanting to strengthen their mental health, and/or add exercise to their wellness plan. Interested individuals can apply.

Limited spots remain! Students can apply as an "individual participant" for the free scholarship program here: https://www.akronmarathon.org/runnership/https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.akronmarathon.org%2Frunnership%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1Njj9UhKg9_pl_UrInbsG3Cloo6LofQeDSCbxX3_E0T0FMgMeFiNYtdcE_aem_AdTEHHa-vhjYEqnLFYsrcqNK9DBBhLzeVqIfI-A84JVn7cR9l72p9mZ2wGFGkTKZS_RvVsNEEFr6O83aC4xA_wWD&h=AT2zwDJ2sAyIaFsaoMEdrob9VOR_0Kr94GTAeD5PeL309gAQLKW5v9ICwNVcjnM3Hzp1buW3UluGePSfsMJiEMvQIyGK_ZJraWCVm-YkZ6-97VA4ZB8-7bgTWPQRD3RZIzqK&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5b0%5d=AT2KVY3_e9jM4MXH9jZvsF17WxO86O4EFYNDdPTCkk-i3RyJmps3oRUauej4i6IM4ZDtEGywSZeMNNRWqSEDgFxDR03P7AYgOiYkgda4W9HWoZqdUnQZgYUzYhiZklL0WKQiY78LW3yETW-Ix_Iw8SA_UJUFOrpwq5sjgGwd58AMY1IOrtEw8geo3ZpxsgPVVrM8RSPc0DDSc8Hw-PwsAULGvGG-SxmK_nRe9qc2zbtEZgf4

  Resources available

Any additional questions about the runnership program can be directed to info@akronmarathon.orgmailto:info@akronmarathon.org.

[A black background with white text  Description automatically generated]

Campus Community Partnership Spotlight Session

The Ohio College Initiative and Rise and Thrive invite you to witness the synergy of campus-community collaborations in action at their upcoming virtual spotlight session on Friday, May 24th, from 1:00PM-2:00PM EST! Explore projects from Bowling Green State University and Rhodes State College, focusing on:

  • Project Identification and Focus: Understand project origins and objectives.
  • Community and Cross-Partner Involvement: Learn about stakeholders and collaboration.
  • Lessons Learned and Sustainability: Gain insights into project sustainability.

Designed for those in student services within higher education institutions and esteemed community providers alike, this event promises to ignite inspiration through inventive collaborations that elevate the collegiate journey for everyone involved. CEUs will be available. Please click herehttps://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdumppzsjGtYSvaF_5-GTm-wo3IU4D7uP#/registration to register.

Questions regarding this event may be directed to oci@preventionactionallliance.orgmailto:oci@preventionactionallliance.org

OPCSMH Campus Safety & Suicide Prevention Symposium: Cultivating Caring Campuses Session Recordings Now Available!

The Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health celebrated their inaugural Campus Safety and Suicide Prevention Symposium: Cultivating Caring Campuses on April 11th, 2024. The Campus Safety and Suicide Prevention Symposium is an event dedicated to providing education to Ohio's campus-community partners on evidence-based, culturally relevant resources related to campus suicide prevention and mental health promotion for students, staff, and faculty. Over 100 attendees from across the state participated in this daylong event full of presentations and panel discussions with industry experts. Attendees learned to:

  •     Identify how colleges and universities can collaborate with the campus-community to leverage the promotion of student safety & well-being, mental health awareness and campus suicide prevention efforts.
  •     Identify outreach opportunities to engage student-focused programming that addresses stigma and barriers to accessing mental health care.
  •     Implement best practices, resources, and help-seeking options that target suicide prevention for all campus-community student populations.

The OPCSMH is incredibly grateful for the new and continued support and collaboration from their partners and stakeholders. If you were unable to attend the symposium, recordings of each session are now available and may be found on the OPCSMH YouTube channelhttps://www.youtube.com/@ohioprogramforcampussafety/videos.

            Reminder: 2023-24 OPCSMH Topic Survey

The OPCSMH is already looking ahead and beginning to plan for the 2024-25 Webinar Series and other future programming! We would greatly value your input, which can be shared by completing a brief topic survey! The survey will close on Wednesday, May 22nd. Please click herehttps://neomed.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bK2o8Ovux6o4bhY to take the survey. Your thoughts are very valuable to us!

            Please contact opcsmh@neomed.edu<mailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu> with any questions you may have.

Take care,

Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his)
Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH)
Department of Psychiatry

Northeast Ohio Medical University
4209 St. Rt. 44 | PO Box 95 | Rootstown, Ohio 44272

Connect with the OPCSMH!
Websitehttps://www.neomed.edu/csmh/| Xhttps://twitter.com/neomedopcsmh | LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/showcase/74567516/admin/feed/posts/ | YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUf15GQPbeWeikAHLfLJaoQ | Listservhttps://opcsmh.neomed.edu/list/opcsmh.opcsmh.neomed.edu

Hello and happy Friday stakeholders, The OPCSMH & Akron Marathon Are Teaming Up To Promote Wellness One Step At A Time! Mental wellness and fitness are protective factors when it comes to reducing stress and anxiety in students. The OPCSMH and Akron Marathon are looking for participants who want to run or walk the Blue Line for free through the Akron Marathon Blue Line Runnership Program (a race entry scholarship program). We are encouraging you to invite counseling and wellness clinic students who may benefit from incorporating fitness into their journey. Both students who are new to running or experienced runners are welcome to apply. The Akron Marathon Charitable Corporation created this philanthropic program dedicated to reaching community members who could not typically afford a race entry, those wanting to strengthen their mental health, and/or add exercise to their wellness plan. Interested individuals can apply. Limited spots remain! Students can apply as an "individual participant" for the free scholarship program here: https://www.akronmarathon.org/runnership/<https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.akronmarathon.org%2Frunnership%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR1Njj9UhKg9_pl_UrInbsG3Cloo6LofQeDSCbxX3_E0T0FMgMeFiNYtdcE_aem_AdTEHHa-vhjYEqnLFYsrcqNK9DBBhLzeVqIfI-A84JVn7cR9l72p9mZ2wGFGkTKZS_RvVsNEEFr6O83aC4xA_wWD&h=AT2zwDJ2sAyIaFsaoMEdrob9VOR_0Kr94GTAeD5PeL309gAQLKW5v9ICwNVcjnM3Hzp1buW3UluGePSfsMJiEMvQIyGK_ZJraWCVm-YkZ6-97VA4ZB8-7bgTWPQRD3RZIzqK&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5b0%5d=AT2KVY3_e9jM4MXH9jZvsF17WxO86O4EFYNDdPTCkk-i3RyJmps3oRUauej4i6IM4ZDtEGywSZeMNNRWqSEDgFxDR03P7AYgOiYkgda4W9HWoZqdUnQZgYUzYhiZklL0WKQiY78LW3yETW-Ix_Iw8SA_UJUFOrpwq5sjgGwd58AMY1IOrtEw8geo3ZpxsgPVVrM8RSPc0DDSc8Hw-PwsAULGvGG-SxmK_nRe9qc2zbtEZgf4> Resources available * Runnership Program Webpage<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.akronmarathon.org%2frunnership%2f&c=E,1,sfgvKVD1t3CgE67UsosXNoLSN7k6W-a79zS2CavqJHno7wXvhEg2wmgTnzAmzRoceDlOqjzpd9za8sLBOU0yqupvt1kAnDuFwF8Z8cI2VoT3RSw,&typo=1> * Runnership Application<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fraceroster.com%2fevents%2f2024%2f83194%2f2024-blue-line-runnership-application&c=E,1,gXezMNch_rhWhvSYUgLUb2A-01OZCwHZB4I7nLecWyMzjAgfacLP17BMi3v56UdLUby-lHQyR_i7nSp8mR5eYwyVYO4vkFLIgGNuxNshcaHJC4LOR5xs&typo=1> * Training Webpage<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.akronmarathon.org%2ftraining%2f&c=E,1,M6qmKz_xS2ZFL7cO5eVrRliUCAJUaIJHV9IM14Err6i_AxSzVKMJyE7p_yZUQ7iplPEaQu5YkIW4BNSbgkhjkQ0NfhURsEse_TXPBjYgO0cPcHUr-j0,&typo=1> * Partners & Places to Run<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.akronmarathon.org%2ftraining%2fpartners-places-to-run%2f&c=E,1,0Z2q_utv5zAlRgPJW5Mz6Sgwt6-DLrPojTn05Tu0eFVit0itidadKAmb97jLABZV62nP0sq670g0L_CJUAlHxiz8OkGhpotLPgSWG_iYmVHCkv-h7V5tx6iuCA,,&typo=1> * Training toolkit<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.akronmarathon.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f01%2fTrainingToolKit-2024.pdf&c=E,1,MNI6AdSavoFqkL4JWoAMSpT9st851BtkeMycc-cUaX9_REK16PdI5bHU9z3cbf0fzj9M0vaY__xKKS-w2gbTCuqz40fYF1InOpvuyt_STkzm2rpi2Niy&typo=1> * First time marathon guide<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.akronmarathon.org%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f01%2f2024-First-Time-Marathon-Guidebook.pdf&c=E,1,tJJ8BoxHjOKXYv8dOBdYpsyAlhf5G9HE-dKuKUFwL-gow8Csdj807Gyjb1-jAQXFI6PDalG-z_VApMaPFi13CJjSMfrdrYHjacRsSKq-Ba0bbljDjKAxIiYyVw,,&typo=1> * Training plans<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.akronmarathon.org%2ftraining%2ftraining-plans%2f&c=E,1,Ch7QsaRZXgVaEkQttvDEnwdgbkRlDUD2sSymvngD3OhZ7muTuo08Zka6Yd29dONCtpHmE65rjFEdrajwbRExcTIJMAvfxsgv81PWUHEaT8i0SH996jz2uM41aQ,,&typo=1> Any additional questions about the runnership program can be directed to info@akronmarathon.org<mailto:info@akronmarathon.org>. [cid:image005.png@01DAA857.7A67B910] [A black background with white text Description automatically generated] Campus Community Partnership Spotlight Session The Ohio College Initiative and Rise and Thrive invite you to witness the synergy of campus-community collaborations in action at their upcoming virtual spotlight session on Friday, May 24th, from 1:00PM-2:00PM EST! Explore projects from Bowling Green State University and Rhodes State College, focusing on: * Project Identification and Focus: Understand project origins and objectives. * Community and Cross-Partner Involvement: Learn about stakeholders and collaboration. * Lessons Learned and Sustainability: Gain insights into project sustainability. Designed for those in student services within higher education institutions and esteemed community providers alike, this event promises to ignite inspiration through inventive collaborations that elevate the collegiate journey for everyone involved. CEUs will be available. Please click here<https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdumppzsjGtYSvaF_5-GTm-wo3IU4D7uP#/registration> to register. Questions regarding this event may be directed to oci@preventionactionallliance.org<mailto:oci@preventionactionallliance.org> OPCSMH Campus Safety & Suicide Prevention Symposium: Cultivating Caring Campuses Session Recordings Now Available! The Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health celebrated their inaugural Campus Safety and Suicide Prevention Symposium: Cultivating Caring Campuses on April 11th, 2024. The Campus Safety and Suicide Prevention Symposium is an event dedicated to providing education to Ohio's campus-community partners on evidence-based, culturally relevant resources related to campus suicide prevention and mental health promotion for students, staff, and faculty. Over 100 attendees from across the state participated in this daylong event full of presentations and panel discussions with industry experts. Attendees learned to: * Identify how colleges and universities can collaborate with the campus-community to leverage the promotion of student safety & well-being, mental health awareness and campus suicide prevention efforts. * Identify outreach opportunities to engage student-focused programming that addresses stigma and barriers to accessing mental health care. * Implement best practices, resources, and help-seeking options that target suicide prevention for all campus-community student populations. The OPCSMH is incredibly grateful for the new and continued support and collaboration from their partners and stakeholders. If you were unable to attend the symposium, recordings of each session are now available and may be found on the OPCSMH YouTube channel<https://www.youtube.com/@ohioprogramforcampussafety/videos>. Reminder: 2023-24 OPCSMH Topic Survey The OPCSMH is already looking ahead and beginning to plan for the 2024-25 Webinar Series and other future programming! We would greatly value your input, which can be shared by completing a brief topic survey! The survey will close on Wednesday, May 22nd. Please click here<https://neomed.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bK2o8Ovux6o4bhY> to take the survey. Your thoughts are very valuable to us! Please contact opcsmh@neomed.edu<mailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu> with any questions you may have. Take care, Chris Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his) Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH) Department of Psychiatry Northeast Ohio Medical University 4209 St. Rt. 44 | PO Box 95 | Rootstown, Ohio 44272 Connect with the OPCSMH! Website<https://www.neomed.edu/csmh/>| X<https://twitter.com/neomedopcsmh> | LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/74567516/admin/feed/posts/> | YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUf15GQPbeWeikAHLfLJaoQ> | Listserv<https://opcsmh.neomed.edu/list/opcsmh.opcsmh.neomed.edu>