
Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health

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Don't Miss Out on the OPCSMH April Webinar: Revitalizing Our Exhausted Brains: A Mental Bandwidth Perspective

Christopher Tutino
Wed, Apr 19, 2023 2:31 PM

Good morning, stakeholders,

April Webinar: Revitalizing Our Exhausted Brains: A Mental Bandwidth Perspective

Mental Bandwidth is a resource critical to effectiveness, creativity, and nuanced decision making. There are many things beyond our control that can drain our mental bandwidth.  Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, April 20th, 2023,  at 12pmm EST, as Dr. Tina Bhargava explains what mental bandwidth is, and how we can protect mental bandwidth in order to increase opportunities for innovation, success, and revitalization!


Please click on the image to register!

            Feel free to reach out to opcsmh@neomed.edu<mailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu> with any questions you may have.


Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his)
Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH)
Department of Psychiatry

Good morning, stakeholders, April Webinar: Revitalizing Our Exhausted Brains: A Mental Bandwidth Perspective Mental Bandwidth is a resource critical to effectiveness, creativity, and nuanced decision making. There are many things beyond our control that can drain our mental bandwidth. Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, April 20th, 2023, at 12pmm EST, as Dr. Tina Bhargava explains what mental bandwidth is, and how we can protect mental bandwidth in order to increase opportunities for innovation, success, and revitalization! [cid:image001.png@01D972A9.B8DCFC30]<https://neomed.zoom.us/webinar/register/1716802687379/WN_gyqlAhyhTrOSPPyFqkjt1Q> Please click on the image to register! Feel free to reach out to opcsmh@neomed.edu<mailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu> with any questions you may have. Best, Chris Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his) Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH) Department of Psychiatry