
Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health

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OPCSMH 22-23 Webinar Series Finale: Don't Miss Out!

Christopher Tutino
Tue, Apr 25, 2023 7:27 PM

Good afternoon stakeholders,

May Webinar: The Mental Health Implications of Perfectionism in American College Students

Join us on May 23rd, 2023, from 1:00pm-2:00pm EST as Malaika Brown, PhD, Executive Director and Founder, Your Beautiful Mind, Inc. presents on perfectionism, and its rise as a mental health issue over the past three decades according to the American Psychological Association. This will also be the final webinar for the OPCSMH 22-23 webinar series, so don't miss out!


Click on the image to register!

Feel free to reach out to opcsmh@neomed.edumailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu with any questions you may have.


Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his)
Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH)
Department of Psychiatry

Good afternoon stakeholders, May Webinar: The Mental Health Implications of Perfectionism in American College Students Join us on May 23rd, 2023, from 1:00pm-2:00pm EST as Malaika Brown, PhD, Executive Director and Founder, Your Beautiful Mind, Inc. presents on perfectionism, and its rise as a mental health issue over the past three decades according to the American Psychological Association. This will also be the final webinar for the OPCSMH 22-23 webinar series, so don't miss out! [cid:image001.png@01D97786.0771ECD0]<https://neomed.zoom.us/webinar/register/6416824499225/WN_9W-Z7XnbTYWoTEFegq1lyA> Click on the image to register! Feel free to reach out to opcsmh@neomed.edu<mailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu> with any questions you may have. Best, Chris Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his) Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH) Department of Psychiatry