
Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health

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Reminder: FY24 Campus-Community Collaborative Grants Proposals Due in One Week!

Christopher Tutino
Fri, Sep 8, 2023 2:48 PM

Good morning and Happy Friday stakeholders,

FY24 Campus-Community Collaborative Grants Request for Proposals

[A logo for a campus safety and mental health  Description automatically generated]

This is a friendly reminder that all proposals for the FY24 Campus-Community Collaborative Grants (CCGs) are due in one week, on Friday, September 15th by 5:00 PM!

These grants serve to support the development of suicide prevention, mental health promotion and stigma reduction programs for campus faculty, staff, and students of Ohio's institutions of higher education. The proposals should demonstrate a collaborative relationship between one or more colleges, universities, technical schools and/or community colleges within the area and a local community organization.

In our efforts to make the application process smoother, all documents including budget and letters of support can be uploaded through Qualtrics via the file upload function. All applications should be submitted via the following link:

For additional information including eligibility and funding specifics, please see the attached document. All questions regarding the SFY24 CCGs can be directed to opcsmh@neomed.edumailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu. We also encourage you to visit the OPCSMH grants webpagehttps://www.neomed.edu/csmh/grants/ to hear a testimonial from previous a CCG grantee, a list of FAQs, an instructional video on the application process, and examples of previously funded proposals.

We look forward to supporting efforts of mental health promotion, suicide prevention and stigma reduction at Ohio's institutions of higher education for another year.


Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his)
Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH)
Department of Psychiatry

Good morning and Happy Friday stakeholders, FY24 Campus-Community Collaborative Grants Request for Proposals [A logo for a campus safety and mental health Description automatically generated] This is a friendly reminder that all proposals for the FY24 Campus-Community Collaborative Grants (CCGs) are due in one week, on Friday, September 15th by 5:00 PM! These grants serve to support the development of suicide prevention, mental health promotion and stigma reduction programs for campus faculty, staff, and students of Ohio's institutions of higher education. The proposals should demonstrate a collaborative relationship between one or more colleges, universities, technical schools and/or community colleges within the area and a local community organization. In our efforts to make the application process smoother, all documents including budget and letters of support can be uploaded through Qualtrics via the file upload function. All applications should be submitted via the following link: https://neomed.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eeuIfG3Bowas0NE For additional information including eligibility and funding specifics, please see the attached document. All questions regarding the SFY24 CCGs can be directed to opcsmh@neomed.edu<mailto:opcsmh@neomed.edu>. We also encourage you to visit the OPCSMH grants webpage<https://www.neomed.edu/csmh/grants/> to hear a testimonial from previous a CCG grantee, a list of FAQs, an instructional video on the application process, and examples of previously funded proposals. We look forward to supporting efforts of mental health promotion, suicide prevention and stigma reduction at Ohio's institutions of higher education for another year. Best, Chris Chris Tutino, MPH (he, him, his) Dissemination Coordinator, Ohio Program for Campus Safety and Mental Health (OPCSMH) Department of Psychiatry